Readers challenge the choice of Eric Stubbs to lead the Ottawa Police Service.
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His maturity in examining what went wrong in the city’s response and conveying lessons to be learned is rare in today’s world. He did not point the finger but objectively analyzed the facts. He was diplomatic but honest. Although I disagree with some of his priorities, I congratulate Mark Sutcliffe for being elected as mayor with 51 per cent of votes cast. Now the hard work begins, and as a political novice Sutcliffe likely faces great challenges in learning the ropes.Article content
The only thing we sacrificed is a leader who spoke of the poor and vulnerable as if they were real human beings worthy of our immediate attention and compassion.Where will the mayoral race be won?One line in Mohammed Adam’s column stuck out: “When Sutcliffe does this, he is telling rural and suburban voters, many of whom love their vehicles, that he is on their side.