The inauguration ceremony marks the new mayor’s first opportunity to establish the tone of his reign, and councillors are expecting a less flashy shindig than some of the lavish affairs of the past.
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Wilson Lo, 30, seen on election night, is the youngest member of council. He says his family members are very excited about the inauguration ceremony.“They’re very excited,” Lo said, “so much so that they’re willing to attend an indoor event. And we’ve never been to anything like this before so it’s certainly going to be a new experience.”
This time, her husband, Shane Bakker, parents and three staffers will be in the audience, and she’s caught up in the buzz generated by the rookie councillors. Although Hubley says he’s not big on pomp and pageantry, the swearing-in ceremony is a special event because family members can attend. On the eve of his fourth inauguration, he’s happy that it’s scheduled during the day so his granddaughter can be there , but he wonders how the little girl, Macara, now six, will react when she sees Sutcliffe with the chain of office.Article content