Police report details of RCMP Constable Shaelyn Yang’s fatal interaction with homeless man
Yang, a member of the Burnaby RCMP mental health and homeless outreach team, approached the tent and called out, but receieved no response.“Constable Yang saw that the man was unresponsive in the tent,” Cooper said in an interview Saturday. “According to this report, she believed he could be going into overdose or [had] already overdosed.”The report states Yang announced she was going in to administer naloxone when the man responded, exited the tent and threatened the parks officer.
B.C.’s police watchdog, the Independent Investigations Office, confirms Yang shot the suspect with her service weapon, but it’s unclear how many shots were fired. Global News spoke with a close friend of Ham’s who said he was devastated to learn about the murder allegations. The friend said Ham was falsely accused of a sexual assault in Toronto nearly 10 years ago, and that the strain of the investigation sent him to a dark place. Ham had been in and out of jail in Vancouver, before he was charged with the first-degree murder of Const. Yang.In Feb.