CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — MADD Canada is partnering with P.E.I. Liquor to make a new sober driving video education program for junior high and high school ...
P.E.I. middle and high school students are going to be taking in a new sober driving video education program from MADD Canada and P.E.I. Liquor. Stock ImageCHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — MADD Canada is partnering with P.E.I. Liquor to make a new sober driving video education program for junior high and high school students across the province.
The program aims to help educate students in Grades 7 – 12 on making good decisions involving impaired driving. The story follows a youth who, after a few drinks, tries cannabis for the first time. The youth's situation changes and is forced to choose whether or not to drive.