Noelle Laite was charged with assaulting a former intimate partner after an investigation by SIRT-NL
Corner Brook RNC officer Noelle Laite sits with her eyes closed as she waits for her trial to resume in provincial court in Corner Brook on Thursday, Oct. 27. - Diane Crocker/SaltWire NetworkCORNER BROOK, N.L. — In the early days of their seven-year relationship, Noelle Laite’s ex-partner said, things were good and normal.
The charges were laid by the Serious Incident Response Team of Newfoundland and Labrador on March 21. It launched an investigation on Jan. 31 after it was notified by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of the allegations being made by the woman. The woman said she left after a fight in which Laite grabbed her collar, making it hard for her to breathe, and threw cardboard and a dog bed at her.Robby Ash, left, talks with his client Noelle Laite in provincial court in Corner Brook on Thursday . Laite, an officer with the RNC in Corner Brook, is on trial for allegedly assaulting her former intimate partner. - Diane Crocker
She said Laite pushed her hard in the chest, and she suffered bruises and scrapes when she fell against the bed. She said Laite was going to leave, and she grabbed Laite by the arm to try to stop her. Laite turned and the woman was struck in the jaw, she said. It may have been an accident, but she was not sure, she testified.Asked about her thought process that night, the woman said she didn’t want to be alone, and that even though things were awful she didn’t feel like she had anyone else.