A new poll, the first poll from Pennsylvania since John Fetterman’s disastrous debate performance, puts Dr. Oz up three points over Fetterman.
Stephen L. Miller made that point yesterday at theGiven Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman’s disastrous debate performance Tuesday night and his campaign’s shameful coverup of his condition to voters, the question has to be asked: Where does Dasha Burns go for her apology from her own colleagues?
When the NBC reporter had a one-on-one interview with the Democratic candidate this month, she noted two things that had her fellow journalists, both at her network and in her industry, up in arms. First, she revealed the Fetterman campaign demanded, as a condition of the interview, he be allowed to use captioning software that translated her questions to him on a computer.
This led to a social media cavalcade of abuse directed at Burns for simply committing the act of noticing Fetterman’s condition.If Oz pulls this off, you will hear a gnashing of teeth out of the beltway not heard since the fall of 2016.