CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — Yellow tape with the words “Do not cross” remained strung across the porch of Darius Brasky Jewellers weeks after post-tropical ...
Darius Brasky stands outside his jewelry business in Charlottetown on Oct. 19. He was unable to open four weeks after post-tropical storm Fiona due to extensive damages caused by the storm.CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — Yellow tape with the words “Do not cross” remained strung across the porch of Darius Brasky Jewellers weeks after post-tropical storm Fiona hit Prince Edward Island.
‘Overwhelming but not impossible:' Island Nature Trust begins cleanup effort at natural areas in P.E.I. damaged by FionaBrasky, who has owned the store on Grafton Street for five years, knew the large trees outside posed a risk in high winds. The limbs had been falling off for years. City workers clean up the debris left from post-tropical storm Fiona outside Darius Brasky Jewellers on Grafton Street in Charlottetown on Oct. 19. Sophie Palmer-Still • Special to The GuardianAnd then there’s the problem with the city. The trees that fell on his store are owned by the City of Charlottetown, and Brasky wasn’t allowed to remove them.
“A lot of small business don’t have the funds right now to clean up some of their property, so they do need some support programs.” Brasky said trees will fall again. There are still more trees near his business. He wants the city to take them down as a precaution against future storms.